Many of us are not naturally tidy, and some struggle to keep a house in order. Often, we are called out to do deep cleans on domestic properties when the dust and dirt has got out of control. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that the occupier is lazy, or that they don’t care about their home or possessions. It may simply be that they haven’t learned the right skills and short-cuts to make their house more pleasing to live in.

Here’s our short, sweet ultimate guide to making your home tidier. It might not work a miracle, but we guarantee that you’ll see a difference in just 2 weeks.

The Turbo Declutter

You can’t keep your home tidy if it’s cluttered with stuff. There’s nothing wrong with collecting things, or being thrifty, but accumulating junk is not going to help sort out your mess.

On the 1st of the month next month, throw away 1 item that has no useful purpose. On the 2nd, throw away two. Carry on until day 14. If possible, sign up the rest of the household and get them to do the same each day.

After two weeks, you will see a huge difference – and you will feel empowered to keep the rest of your belongings tidy.

The 5-Second Fix

As you move around the home, try to do small jobs as you go. If you see something on the floor, pick it up and put it in the bin. If the bin is full, carry it outside when you next pop out.

These small 5-second jobs need not interrupt your day. But if you can quickly see to them in the course of your normal routines and chores, you will notice less mess building up around you.

The Capsule Wardrobe

There’s a movement in America at the moment around pairing down wardrobes and living well with fewer items to store. If it’s time to clean out your dresser, follow these simple rules:

  • Does this item fit me?
  • Do I feel good in it?
  • Is it appropriate for the weather or season?

Any items that don’t pass those three simple tests should be sent to the charity shop, or (at a pinch) stored away for another season. While it might not be possible to cut back to a capsule wardrobe, you will feel free from wearing clothes you never really liked.

Fewer clothes means less laundry, less ironing and fewer piles of dry clothing to fold.

The Staple Items

Professional cleaners don’t come armed with suitcases full of wonder products. Here are some of the simple items we recommend you always have in your cupboard.

  • Stardrops: A simple cleaning fluid that can be used for almost anything. You can clean the floor with it, wash up with it and use it to wipe down your counters. Find it in your supermarket or pound shop.
  • ‘Magic eraser’ sponge: These miracle sponges will clean everything from laptops to worktops, and they’re ideal for shining up plastics and glass. All you need is a tiny dab of water. They can be bought via various brands, including Doktor Power and Vanish. They’re all the same, so just go for the cheapest.
  • Baking soda: Place a little in a bowl to remove smells from the fridge.
  • White vinegar: Use it to shine windows and for general purpose cleaning. You can buy it from a hardware store, or in a spray bottle.
  • Gloves: An essential if you’re squeamish about cleaning the loo.

More Help

Tidying need not be a chore, even if cleaning leaves you cold, so start getting your home in order. If your newly tidied house needs a spruce up, contact Efficient Cleaning and set up an affordable weekly visit from our team.